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Thursday, 23 July 2020

Cats make better pets than dogs....

Cats make better pet than dogs....

Clash of the claws: cats vs dogs – How It Works

I agree cats make better pets than dogs because they are loving and gentle animals especially cats can give younger people responsibility skills that will help them later on in life when they get older. Some of the skills you can learn from looking after a live animal can be, Responsibility, Caring, Enthusiasm, and Love. When I get home from school I feel the responsibility to feed my cat Pippa some cat treats and I feel the caring skills to give her a pat and let her outside for some fresh air. I think everyone should have a pet when the are growing up because it teaches them empathy and responsibility and other values that will help them later on in life. You can understand why I believe that cats make a better pet than dogs if you have younger kids because cats will be more gentle towards younger children. Everyday when I come home from being out somewhere and I see my cat Pippa she always gives me a sense of responsibility and caring sense.

Comment below if you think cats are better pets than dogs?

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