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Monday, 12 October 2020

The Cay moral....

The Cay Moral

Last term in English we read The Cay

The moral of the story that I understood from the themes of the book is "War spreads family apart, but it also then creates stronger friendships".

I give The Cay a 4 and a half star rating, and my comment about the book is that how you should always treat others with respect because you may never know whats going on.

Amazon.com: The Cay (9780385079068): Taylor, Theodore: Books

Tuesday, 1 September 2020

Fab 4 literacy skills...

Fab 4 Literacy skills....

Predict  what we guess will happen next. 

Clarify - To make clear of something we don't understand
Summarise - We shorten the key information into our own words
Question - Something you ask to find out information

Tuesday, 18 August 2020

Summarising street art...

Street art summary.....

Q.1 The significance of the objects and character - The significance of this character in this piece of artwork is that the man in this artwork is a very famous league player for New Zealand. This persons name is David Kidwell is the Kiwis coach and 25 test veteran for rugby league .

Q.2 The significance of the colours used - I think that the artist used these colours in this art so it would stand out with the side of the building and the blacks on the person give it good shading with the fade going down his shirt. I think these colours are significant because the kit of the kiwi league team is black and grey and I think its paying tribute to that.

Q.3 The location of the artwork and why its important - The location of this artwork is important because  Christchurch role as a host city for the rugby league world cup 2017 and Mr G the creator of the art work made it because David kidwell was the kiwis coach for the rugby league cup 2017.

David Kidwell Mural by Mr G | Find Christchurch NZ

Wednesday, 12 August 2020

Global Warming......

 Global Warming

Since the industrial revolution over 100 years ago, CO2 levels from burning fossil fuels like oil, coal, gas give off more CO2 into the air. Places that are hot will become unbearable and turn into   wastelands. High temperatures lead to outbreaks of diseases. We must plan for the future ahead of us.

Global warming to cause 'catastrophic' species loss: study ...

Thursday, 6 August 2020

Aggressive Magpies wreaking havoc....

Aggressive Magpies wreaking havoc.......

Decline in 'successful' bird species like magpies and kookaburras rings  alarm bells - ABC News

The seasonal issue of the swooping magpies is an issue for all people. A boy in Australia was permanently blinded in one eye by an attack. This is a problem as during breeding season magpies an be aggressive and dive bomb people that they think is a threat to their young. A lot of people from the public say that they have been repeatedly attacked during rides by three birds at once in one instance. New Zealand post said that they had 2 or 3 really aggressive birds attack. 

Thursday, 30 July 2020

My Bird Mascot...

The scientific name of my bird - White-bellied sea-eagle
The name I've given my mascot -  Travis the Sea-Eagle 

What countries are your bird found in?
The White-bellied sea-eagle is found in coastal habitats especially those close to sea shore. And in wetlands and tropical temperature areas around Australia and its offshore islands. Its doing well as a species and it can always be found in the wild and it doesn't like to stay in one place for to long.

What good qualities does this bird have?
Some of the good qualities that this bird has that is related to me is that its territorial and that the White-bellied sea-eagle loves to protect its territory once they have taken it like me when I like to protect my belongings. The White-bellied sea-eagle likes to do task and things to survive either by themselves or they do it in a pair. They also do things like food gathering in massive groups consisting of 5-10 White-bellied sea-eagle's.

Why would this bird be a good mascot to represent you?
This bird would be a good mascot to represent me because they like to fly around a lot and that kinda relates to me because I like to keep moving by staying active and playing lots of sports that involve running. Its also good because it likes to protect its things and I like to protect things from my brother and sister.

I chose the White-bellied sea-eagle as my bird mascot because he looks cool and lots of the features the sea eagle has relates to me in some type of way, he is the same colour of my cat and so he reminds me of my cat in some way and the colour contrast of the White-bellied sea eagle's colours look great and the fact that it lives in Australia and its not so far from New Zealand makes it a bird that I love and looks cool.

Thursday, 23 July 2020

Cats make better pets than dogs....

Cats make better pet than dogs....

Clash of the claws: cats vs dogs – How It Works

I agree cats make better pets than dogs because they are loving and gentle animals especially cats can give younger people responsibility skills that will help them later on in life when they get older. Some of the skills you can learn from looking after a live animal can be, Responsibility, Caring, Enthusiasm, and Love. When I get home from school I feel the responsibility to feed my cat Pippa some cat treats and I feel the caring skills to give her a pat and let her outside for some fresh air. I think everyone should have a pet when the are growing up because it teaches them empathy and responsibility and other values that will help them later on in life. You can understand why I believe that cats make a better pet than dogs if you have younger kids because cats will be more gentle towards younger children. Everyday when I come home from being out somewhere and I see my cat Pippa she always gives me a sense of responsibility and caring sense.

Comment below if you think cats are better pets than dogs?